from Knowledge I Somehow Knew Before Knowing (takker)

  • When Mr. 鳥羽瀬孝臣 was talking about [/takker/【Vol.2】奥只見のイヌワシを守れ!「自然」との対話で育む生命 |AERA dot. (アエラドット)](【Vol.2】奥只見のイヌワシを守れ!「自然」との対話で育む生命 |AERA dot. (アエラドット)), he mentioned something similar.
    • There were plans to fill the wetlands in front of the Oku-Tadami Dam with the sediment generated during the construction of a new power facility.
      • Originally, it was a dumping ground for soil during the construction of the Oku-Tadami Dam 30 years ago, and the wetlands were naturally formed afterwards.
      • Since it was not originally a natural formation, there shouldn’t have been any significant issues with filling it again.
    • However, it was discovered that rare dragonflies inhabit the wetlands.
    • As a solution, it was decided to carry out the filling process in stages.
      • After surveying the wetlands, they divided it into three zones: “wetland area with many rare dragonflies,” “wetland area with few rare dragonflies,” and “land area.”
      • Based on this, they decided to fill them in the following steps:
        • First, fill in the “land area.”
        • Next, transplant the wetland area with few rare dragonflies onto the filled land area to create a new wetland.
        • Fill in the wetland area with few rare dragonflies and wait for the rare dragonflies from the wetland area with many rare dragonflies to move and settle in the new wetland.
        • Finally, fill in the wetland area with many rare dragonflies.
    • The filling work was carried out using the PDCA cycle, and they were able to complete the filling without erasing the habitat of the rare dragonflies.
    • Monitoring during this process revealed a significant increase in the number of rare dragonflies compared to before the construction.
      • The population further increased after creating additional wetlands.
  • This staged filling process corresponds to the “compensation” in environmental impact mitigation measures. It is a measure to minimize the impact on the environment during construction, but in recent years, the concept of “additional conservation measures” has emerged, aiming to improve the environmental conditions even better than before the construction.
  • Mr. 鳥羽瀬孝臣 was not aware of this concept at the time of construction, but he ended up doing the same thing.
    • He later learned that the construction method he used has a name.
  • I ended up writing a long paragraph that completely deviated from the page title… I’m sorry for writing various things even though it’s not my project (takker).
    • Feel free to edit or remove the page as you like.
    • If it’s bothersome, you can delete it without any problem.